Key Points Scrum is an Agile approach built upon simplifying complex tasks and keeping open lines of communication. Kanban is ...
Technological change has never progressed this fast. Constantly, new apps, devices, platforms and ways of working appear.
(Briggs, 2014) Through Agile we are uncovering better ways of teaching and learning by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over ...
Despite the buzz around agile’s supposed decline, a commanding 95% of professionals affirm its critical relevance to their operations.
There is a question about how relevant Big Room Planning is in the age of digital transformation.  The hope is that BRP ...
NewWork is a grassroots community of UN employees who are innovating, collaborating, and adopting new ways of working. We aim to change our workplace culture and cultivate an agile, people-focused ...
We’re going beyond digital collaboration tools, beyond the flexibility of hybrid working, beyond any model or methodology, to a mindset that truly transforms what we do. We’re responsive, adaptive & ...