In the ancient Roman world, which I study ... In antiquity, there were masculine women, feminine men and people who altered their bodies to match their gender expression more closely.
The Romans occupied what's now Spain from 218 B.C. until roughly the fourth century A.D. The fortress burial included a " pugio " — the standard dagger of the Roman army — that suggests the dead man ...
The assassination of Julius Caesar was reenacted in Rome at the exact same place where it had taken place 2,000 years ago.
Thousands of years ago, Greco-Roman statues offered viewers a multi-dimensional experience that also called to our olfactory ...
Nearly 2,000 years after the Roman historian Suetonius wrote "The Lives of the Caesars" in the second century C.E., his work ...
Unused paints are generally rare finds for archaeologists — but not at Pompeii. Take a look at “almost the entire palette of an ancient painter.” ...
The oldest of these houses was Roman, occupied until the third century; the second and third houses were Byzantine. (8 things people get wrong about ancient Rome.) A reconstruction of the ...
In the ancient Roman world, which I study, biological sex and gender expression did not always line up as neatly as the president is demanding to see in today’s government. In antiquity, there were ...