Good times. Only a 15-minute walk ... When does a joke become a dad joke? When it becomes apparent. Ippei Naoi/Moment/Getty Images What has a spine but no bones? A book. What would happen if ...
A good "dad" joke isn't relegated to one format. These jokes for kids come in all shapes and sizes, including one-liners, puns, knock-knock jokes, "I have a joke about" jokes and well deployed ...
Looking for the best dad jokes? Look no further ... Spelling. Why are frogs good at baseball? They know how to catch fly balls. What's the easiest building to lift? A lighthouse.
Dad jokes are the hallmark of humor that walks a fine line between genius and cringe-worthy. Their charm lies in their predictability and the undeniable groans they elicit. Whether it’s wordplay ...
Justin West's sheepingly funny dad joke. If you want you dad joke featured on Good Day, email [email protected].
The organizers donated all event proceeds to a family who recently lost their father and husband to brain cancer.