parents who plot the calculator results should watch for significant 'drifting', either up or down, in their child's BMI% over time. For example, a 62-pound, 50-inch tall, 8-year-old girl has a BMI of ...
Early training for parents on healthy feeding and other parenting practices led to lower body mass index (BMI) for 3- to ...
The situation is more complex in children, where the BMI threshold of obesity varies with age and sex. The charts below show how the BMI obesity threshold changes with age for boys and girls.
Objective This study aimed to identify body mass index (BMI) growth trajectories from birth to 24 months of age and examine ...
Body mass index (BMI) was almost three times more likely to classify children as overweight than waist circumference-to-height ratio, according to a new study. Published in Obesity and Endocrinology, ...