The Emperor has an idea -- it is to revendiquer ... are sent to New-Orleans and Pensacola in French bottoms; but LOUIS NAPOLEON is a great manufacturer of artillery, and has always a store from ...
A six-bedroom mansion in the upmarket London neighbourhood of Mayfair where exiled French emperor Napoleon III was entertained in the mid 19th century is up for sale. The grand five-storey ...
US president Donald Trump came over all French this weekend, tweeting 'He who saves his Country does not violate any Law', a quote most commonly attributed to French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.
Soon after, he more or less promised to make France great again and declared himself emperor. Without wanting to comment on the relative pluses and minuses of Napoleon III’s reign, I can only ...
From Emperor Napoleon III of France's early advocacy of it to state-issued color restrictions that lead some makers to dye it ...