Powerful A.I. Is Coming. We’re Not Ready.: Three arguments for taking progress toward artificial general intelligence, or A.G ...
New York employers should be aware of the potential need for changes to their separation agreements that would require consideration and ...
A source within the company, who asked to remain anonymous, contacted media outlets, saying the company recently sent out communications to many of its corporate employees in Cleveland offering them ...
Richmond Mayor Danny Avula has released some details regarding severance pay made to former city employees since 2017.
CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - A Cleveland-based company is offering “voluntary separation” agreements to some employees to “increase efficiency and effectiveness.” According to a release from ...
The Wenatchee School Board approved a separation agreement at its March 11 meeting with an educator accused of sexual assault ...
The museum will offer voluntary separation or retirement packages to unionized workers who had been slated to be laid off.
employees, liabilities and obligations attributable to periods prior to, at and after the Spin-Off. These agreements include the Separation and Distribution Agreement, which contains certain key ...