This policy, written by Scott Matteson for TechRepublic Premium, provides the framework for a non-compete agreement with employees so that they understand what knowledge and skills they can and ...
The FTC’s new Joint Labor Task Force is investigating noncompetes, no-poach agreements, and restrictive hiring contracts.
Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed into law Senate Bill 139, now Act 232 (the “Act”), which amends the ...
As Republicans regain control of the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) under the Trump-Vance Administration, employers that ...
A typical noncompete agreement says the employee agrees not to work for rivals, solicit business from current clients, or otherwise compete with ... you do business. For example, California ...
Other important examples include non-compete and non-solicitation agreements, which place restrictions on the employee's future employment after leaving the company, such as by prohibiting work ...
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is going to vote Tuesday on a ban that would get rid of non-compete agreements for workers. This non-compete ban vote is set for the afternoon and could cause ...
For example, sixteen (16) state legislatures are considering bills which would ban or substantially restrict the use of non-compete agreements for healthcare professionals, including the following ...
Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed into law Senate Bill 139, now Act 232, which amends the state's non-compete statute to provide that non-compete covenants that "restrict the right of a ...