The publication of GORDON'S dispatches from Khartoum to Lord WOLSELEY and to the English Government seems to be singularly untimely for Mr. GLADSTONE'S Administration. View Full Article in ...
The Victorian era featured many political giants. Robert Peel, Benjamin Disraeli, and Lord Salisbury are some obvious ...
The ring belonged to my grand-mother who was a cousin of General Gordon of Khartoum ('Chinese Gordon' as he was called) was made from a coin found on his body after he was murdered on the steps of ...
It does not want to commit a British military force to a foreign war, but they have a commitment to protect the Egyptians in Khartoum. They decide to ask General Charles "Chinese" Gordon (Charlton ...
As a child we lived in a village in the Sudan by name of Shambat a few miles North of Khartoum and opposite ... The expedition to save Gordon from the Mahdi was too late as he was assasinated ...
Major General Charles George Gordon (known as Gordon of Khartoum) has a memorial in the north west tower chapel near the west entrance to Westminster Abbey. The mural monument of bronze is by Edward ...