This week has been a devastating one for law enforcement in Harris County, as three members of the Sheriff’s Office have died ...
GRAND Mental Health is working to make sure everyone understands the warning signs of different mental health issues in their ...
People with mental illness are significantly overrepresented in our nation’s jails and prisons. Each year, roughly two ...
Bloomington Police dealt with two public violent incidents in February, and area law enforcement officials say those types of cases are part of what leads to recurring first responder trauma.
Recent deaths of four current and former Harris County Sheriff’s Office employees have prompted conversations among law ...
One year stats: Of the more than 6,000 calls the program responded to last year, 96% were handled without law enforcement ...
Highland Health Systems has introduced a groundbreaking mental health intervention program, equipping three local law ...
The presence of Jail Diversion Clinicians has transformed the way the Waltham Police Department handles crisis situations.
While there is no official program that GRAND Mental Health runs with high school students looking at careers in law enforcement, GRAND recently visited with some students to discuss mental health ...
Highland Health Systems has introduced a groundbreaking mental health intervention program, equipping three local law enforcement agencies with specialized iPads designed to provide immediate ...