Since Antiquity, the hill of Gebel Barkal has been strongly associated with religious ... the design and cost for the fencing and basic infrastructure on the sites. A museum for the history of the ...
Meroë (pronounced muh-ROY) Park is the Deputy Secretary and Chief Operating Officer of the Smithsonian. She oversees most of the Smithsonian’s day-to-day activities across its museums, research ...
which will appear in full in the next Bulletin of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Meroe is in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, not very far from Khartum. It is over six hundred miles south of Luxor and ...
and Jebel Barkal. Some tombs, such as those of King Taharqa and King Nastasen, are now partially submerged due to rising groundwater, making them accessible only by diving. Unfortunately, Sudan ...
The main north-south highway linking Khartoum and Port Sudan, which separated the two parts of the Meroe site has negative visual and auditory impact on the integrity of the property, as does the line ...