There a lot of natural diversity in New Mexico, but some of its most unique flora and fauna are under threat of extinction.
Following the extinction of seven others, the last native mussel species in New Mexico finally has federal protection under the Endangered Species Act after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said ...
Every time an inventory of insects and other arthropods is conducted in New Mexico, new species are discovered. The state, home to thousands of native pollinator species, is a “biodiversity hot spot” ...
“We’ve lost so many native species already. You want future generations to see this part of New Mexico’s natural heritage,” said Endangered Species Advocate with the WildEarth ...
Peñasco least chipmunks are a subspecies of least chipmunk native to the ... also denied Endangered Species Act protection for Rio Grande cutthroat trout, which are only found in a fraction of their ...
SILVER CITY, N.M.— The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today added the dunes sagebrush lizard of southeastern New Mexico and West Texas to the list of endangered species and pledged to follow up by ...