Timothy Kendall, a fellow at Harvard University's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute and an expert in Nubian Studies, has conducted numerous archaeological expeditions of ancient sites in Egypt and the Sudan.
Nubian Neolithic archaeological sites in the region hint at a shared material culture of pottery, personal adornments (torques, bracelets, ostrich eggshell and carnelian beads, nose plugs), burial ...
Recently, a team of researchers published their study on a medieval Nubian tattoo in Antiquity ... of this tattoo is a rare and significant archaeological discovery that provides unique insights ...
After the Nubian pharaohs lost power ... Photograph by Pawel Wolf, German Archaeological Institute Ono of the most remarkable features of Meroitic civilization was its strong queens.
This project is a pioneering effort to move collections management into the virtual space and as such will have an influence far beyond the study of Nubian archaeology per se. It also shows what can ...
A background in archaeology complements majors or minors in multiple disciplines ... and the laboratory analysis of ancient Nubian human remains dating from the Egyptian New Kingdom period. These ...