The vast ice fields of barren whiteness stretch toward the horizon, creating one of the most isolated environments on the ...
The mannerly etiquette of this adorable penguin was filmed while a couple were on an expedition in the Antarctic Peninsula.
Juvenile Gentoo penguin deaths swabs were taken to be tested for avian influenza and have returned a negative result to the N1 gene. On Tuesday 24 January, Veterinary Officers and Falkland ...
What’s more, for the Gentoo, the Falklands are home to the largest population on Earth. Of the known species of penguins, the largest are the emperor penguins, which live mostly in Antarctica ...
A well-worn "penguin highway" 120 meters wide finds thousands of the cute creatures in a long uphill stampede toward some unseen goal. What's the hurry? Amazingly enough, it's a daily affair for them!