(MENAFN- The Conversation) Poor people in vast city slums across the Global ... Nigeria (d,e) and in the slums of Lahore, Pakistan (f). Credits for photographs: a, Srijana Baniya; b, Pramesh Dhungana; ...
“Several states such as Odisha, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh, among others, provide land rights to urban poor in existing slums or allot ... majority nations like Pakistan, Bangladesh Land rights ...
Job creation has not kept pace with population growth, leading to rising crime rates, urban slums ... of poverty and deprivation continues to trap millions of families, further deepening ...
In a developing host country, poor sanitation and ... One of the largest Afghan refugee slums lies on the outskirts of Karachi, the most populated city in Pakistan. The standard of sanitation ...
Pakistan has underscored the role of Parliaments to achieve anti-poverty Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and overcoming the challenges posed by coronavirus crisis. This was stated by Pakistan's ...
Diplomats from Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban reported Wednesday that neighboring Pakistan is implementing a plan for the “imminent” and swift mass deportation of nearly three million Afghan ...
Poor people in vast city slums across the Global South are burning plastic to cook their food, warm their homes and boil water for hot showers. Waste plastic is plentiful and highly flammable.
Job creation has not kept pace with population growth, leading to rising crime rates, urban slums ... of poverty and deprivation continues to trap millions of families, further deepening ...