Obtaining informed consent is more than getting a signature on a form. Informed consent is one of the primary ethical considerations underlying research with human subjects. ALL human subject research ...
A successful consent process presents detailed information which is organized and presented in a way that helps the prospective subject understand why a person might or might not want to participate.
Our new Secretary of Health and Human Services wants to change CDC messaging about vaccines to emphasize "informed consent." ...
and One of the following statements about any research that involves the collection of identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens: In seeking informed consent, the following ...
Many are in psychology and the other social sciences ... MORE COMPLICATED DECISIONS involve the issue of subjects' "informed consent." The committee must judge if subjects are "competent" to ...
PURPOSE: To critically analyze studies published within the past decade about participants' comprehension of informed consent in clinical research and to identify promising intervention strategies.
Informed consent is one of the primary requirements of research involving human participants. It is important to remember that informed consent is an ongoing process, not a document or single event.
Furthermore, unless the consent process has been specifically waived by the IRB, no subjects may be included in research unless the investigator has obtained the legally effective informed consent of ...