No ordinance is on the table, but the City Council is being asked to consider one saying Muslim employees must be allowed off ...
A local Imam is asking the Evansville City Council to pass an ordinance that would allow Muslim employees and students to ...
Thus, regular meetings and annual selection have meant that the running of Masjid Ahlul Qur'aan Wa Sunnah has been as efficient as possible over the years. NOW YOU CAN WATCH LIVE AUDIO & VIDEO ...
His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday visited Waqf Thareed, a charitable initiative located next to the Grand Al Husseini ...
UK Ahlus Sunnah Moonsighting Board, New Crescent Society and Sunnah Mosques Scotland all came to the same decision on the ...
The centuries-old Selahaddin Eyyubi Mosque, located in the Silvan district of Diyarbakır, southeastern Türkiye, has been ...
Online Registration for the prospective worshipers intending to perform Itikaf at the Grand Mosque in Makkah and Masjid e ...