By the peaceful shore of Lake Kivu in Gisenyi, Rwanda, this month.Credit... Supported by By Elian Peltier Photographs by Guerchom Ndebo Elian Peltier and Guerchom Ndebo reported from both Goma ...
And during their final tour in Rwanda on May 11, the cyclists donated £10,000 (Rwf16 million) to the children at Twin Lakes Cycling Academy in addition to cycling equipment to help them in their ...
The shore of Lake Kivu in Rwanda offers leisure and relaxation. Across the border in Congo, the same lake displayed devastation and misery after an armed group called M23 captured the lakeside ...
The shore of Lake Kivu in Rwanda offers leisure and relaxation. Across the border in Congo, the same lake displayed devastation and misery after an armed group called M23 captured the lakeside ...