Among the figures he gave during his speech, the poverty indicators managed by the ... of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela, is not recognized by part of the international community.
Most refugees and migrants from Venezuela arriving in neighbouring countries are families with children, pregnant women, elderly people, and people with disabilities. Many are facing poverty and ...
By Marco Cacciati Chevron is mounting a last-ditch effort to salvage its Venezuelan operations by engaging in intense ...
And 90% of the people who have stayed in Venezuela are living in poverty. It will be interesting to see next year’s index. This year, the United States ranks as low as 26th. This means that ...
When the US agreed to normalise relations with Venezuela, it was on the proviso that Nicolás Maduro would hold "free and fair elections". The authoritarian president, who inherited power from the ...
In Caracas neighborhood of Petare, four spoonfuls of sugar sell for 4,000 bolivars, just over a dollar, (official exchange rate), but just $0.05 at the black market rate. Poverty and scarcity are ...
Find out what the Bank Group's branches are doing in Venezuela.