Arthur Andersen was convicted in 2002 for obstructing the U.S. government’s investigation into Enron. After that the storied accounting firm stopped auditing public companies. Its demise turned ...
Days before bankrupt energy trader Enron publicly disclosed its financial problems, employees of its auditing firm, Arthur Andersen, were instructed to destroy most of their Enron-related material, ...
resurrected by the Andersen firm in the U.S. that similarly rebuilt the international network more than a decade after the demise of the former Arthur Andersen firm. The former Big Five firm Arthur ...
Arthur Bowman, editor of Atlanta-based Bowman's Accounting Report, said he couldn't fathom how Andersen could have missed it. "Three-point-eight billion dollars is a lot of money to miss," he said.
The firm's comeback has been orchestrated by Andersen, a tax business founded in 2002 by former employees from Arthur Andersen, the once-prestigious accounting firm and the parent company of ...
"Some of the news coverage of the current situation facing Arthur Andersen and Enron contains misconceptions and inaccuracies about the historical relationship between Accenture and Arthur ...
In the early 1980s, when the consulting firm was still part of Arthur Andersen, it had a reputation on the recruitment “milk round” for turning graduates into besuited clones known as Arthur ...
Experienced Leadership To lead this transformative consulting practice, Vorsatz has recruited George Shaheen, the former CEO of Andersen Consulting prior to its spin-off from Arthur Andersen.