For a few months this summer, a large strip of Atlantic Ocean along the equator cooled at record speed. Though the cold patch ...
John Wheeler is Chief Meteorologist for WDAY, a position he has had since May of 1985. Wheeler grew up in the South, in Louisiana and Alabama, and cites his family's move to the Midwest as important ...
the Arctic Circle (the North Pole) the Antarctic Circle (the South Pole) the Tropic of Cancer the Tropic of Capricorn and the Equator. I’ve been asked to deliver this parcel to my cousin but he ...
This artist’s visualization of WASP-127b, a giant gas planet located about 520 light-years from Earth, shows its newly discovered supersonic jet winds that move around the planet’s equator. With a ...
IN NATURE, vol. xxi. p. 129, Mr. Croll gives his reasons why the equator is not much warmer in January than in July, notwithstanding the greater nearness of the sun at the former season.