Labour market in soft landing. The German labour market has been in a very gradual soft landing since 2022. While the number ...
Gold surged to a fresh record high this morning, surpassing the previous record hit just yesterday, after US President Donald ...
DXY risks an intra-day run-up to 104.70, and an outside risk to 104.90 on today's inflation data. But the mood music in the ...
The main focus next week is new tariff developments. On top of President Trump’s “Liberation Day” announcement of reciprocal ...
Stronger-than-expected Tokyo consumer price inflation, and signs of broadening pressures, support our long-held view that the ...
Britain is unlikely to be the only European country forced to make tough decisions on tax and spending in the coming year. On Wednesday, the UK Chancellor updated parliament on how she's trying to ...
Curves maintain their steepening bias as EUR rates look to first inflation data for March to keep the April ECB cut hopes alive ...
Early reports indicate that India is willing to reduce tariff duties selectively and explore ways to improve US market access ...
However, if we've learned anything from Trump's first two months in office, it is that predicting tariff action is difficult, and Taiwan cannot guarantee that it will avoid damaging tariffs.
Early reports indicate that India is willing to reduce tariff duties selectively and explore ways to improve US market access ...
ECB easing continues to have a modest effect on bank lending as growth increases but remains below the pre-pandemic pace ...
In this podcast, ING's Chris Turner and Padhraic Garvey explain why a Mar-a-Lago Accord to weaken the dollar would be fraught ...