Founder and 40-year MP for the Christian Democratic Party, Fred Nile, has issued a statement confirming that the party has ceased to exist. Frantic negotiations behind the scenes over the last week ...
The federal Opposition has committed $14 million to employ 60 First Nations Educators who will teach language in primary schools and share knowledge of local cultures across the curriculum, through ...
A moving ceremony around the campfire at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra kicked off #Changetheheart Prayer Services held around the nation in January, led by First Nations people and Common ...
If one were to imagine an Australian hybrid of Chariots of Fire hero Eric Liddell and “God’s smuggler” Brother Andrew, it would be hard to go past the name of Tom Treseder, the world champion rower ...
Jonathan Fletcher – a key leader among conservative evangelical networks in the Church of England, which have links and share similar theology to Sydney Anglicans – is the subject of a damning review ...
In Genesis 2:18 God says that it isn’t good “for the man to be alone”. So he gave us families and communities. We are made in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27), and God is a relationship: Father, Son and ...
The ABC’s Sarah Ferguson has taken us into a place where most Christians have not wanted to go – up close and very personal with pedophile Christian leaders in her series Revelation on the ABC. The ...
Two nights ago, 40 bishops of the Anglican Church of Australia co-signed a letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison calling on the federal government to create a special intake of 20,000 additional ...
Food For Thought is a public theology & Bible advocacy blog for Eternity from Sophia Think Tank’s David Wilson, who gathers top Christian thinkers to take a closer look at how the Christian faith ...
In a world free of a quick-moving respiratory virus, new missionaries Rob and El Falls would be saying goodbye to family and friends at Sydney Airport, as the couple and their three children begin a ...
Stu Cameron, who has headed the large influence Newlife church on the Gold Coast, has been selected to head Wesley Mission in NSW, moving from one key evangelical church to another. Newlife forms 10 ...
A nun devoted to helping people affected by leprosy and victims of human trafficking has been honoured with an international award for “contemporary rescuers”. Azezet Habtezghi Kidane – or “Sister ...