When thinking about the Arctic, images of snow, ice—maybe even a polar bear—likely come to mind. Located at the northernmost ...
Iceland may be small, but its strategic importance is vast. As Trump questions NATO commitments, European allies must step up ...
China is expected to redefine its Arctic policy - including an ambition to become a great polar power by 2030 - amid growing ...
During a wide-ranging 90-minute speech to the US congress of March 4, Donald Trump revisited his determination to “get” ...
A very strong earthquake of magnitude 6.5 occurred in the Jan Mayen Island region, impacting Svalbard and Jan Mayen, on March ...
If Trump and Putin do begin negotiations over the Arctic, Europe may simply have to accept the end of the Arctic Council and ...
Explain the strategic context of great power competition over Greenland. The strategic context is informed by local, regional ...
With sea traffic set to rise in a warming Arctic, researchers are helping sailors plot a safer course through sea ice and ...
Trump continues to push for the annexation of the vast Danish island, aiming to counter the increasing influence of Russia ...
But despite the presence of 5G in one of the Earth’s most remote locations, fiber connections in the region are much rarer. Subsea Internet cables, which play a vital role in connecting the world, are ...
It also supported the Central Arctic Ocean fisheries agreement (CAO) signed in 2018 by the Arctic Ocean states with Iceland, ...