On June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress established the Continental Army, marking the beginning of what would become the United States Army. This formation occurred during a difficult ...
The LRHW is designed as a strategic weapon with a range of approximately 1,725 miles.
Those words are now considered red flags by the Army as it does a wide-ranging scrub of the massive amount of digital content the service has created online over the years -- a purge that is ...
Amid all the other shake-ups at the Defense Department, Marines in the Pentagon are set to ditch their warfighting camouflage utility uniforms, commonly called "cammies," for the more formal ...
Earlier this week, I was sworn in as your 26th Secretary of the United States Army. My commitment to this role is rooted in my family’s lineage of Army service. My grandfather served during ...
Although Gary Sinise has been a presence in the lives of so many Americans in uniform since the start of the Global War on Terrorism, it might surprise people to learn that the Gary Sinise ...