What it does: The bill creates a bipartisan group that would explore how Illinois counties could effectively secede from ...
Public schools stand to lose hundreds of millions of dollars if private school vouchers pass, though the exact effect remains ...
House Bill 199 will give $7,000 to families to pay for private school or tutoring. Gov. Gordon lauds it in the wake of fierce ...
Gov. Mark Gordon lauded a controversial universal school voucher bill Tuesday morning before signing it into law hours later.
Gov. Brad Little signed into law House Bill 93, a major victory for school choice-minded lawmakers after years of attempts to ...
The grants would come in the form of refundable tax credits ... he would stand up for public education and would veto any voucher bill that does not meet standards of fairness, accountability ...
The 76 votes, including Buckley, would be just enough to form a majority of the 150 ... Republican has signaled support for vouchers and Buckley’s bill, and he could provide an extra vote ...
The $1 billion first year cost could grow to more than $8 billion over the two-year period up in 2029 as more and more ...
Supporters often use “school choice” to refer to voucher-like programs that let some families use state dollars to help pay for the form of schooling ... That wait-to-see-the-bill attitude ...
The Educational Choice for Children Act would benefit private and religious schools and higher-income families.