What is the current diesel price in Bihar? As of today, the diesel price in Patna, Bihar is ₹92.26 per litre. Which city in Bihar has the lowest diesel price? Currently, Begusarai has the lowest ...
What is the domestic current LPG price in Bihar? As of Friday, March 14, 2025, the domestic LPG price in Patna, Bihar is ₹892.50 for a 14.2 kg cylinder and ₹332.00 for a 5 kg cylinder.
2GB/DAY Data for 54 Days Pack 2GB/DAY 54 Days ₹347 2GB/DAY Data for 80 Days Pack 2GB/DAY 80 Days ₹485 3GB/DAY Data for 84 Days Pack 3GB/DAY 84 Days ₹599 ₹997 for 160 Days Pack 2GB/DAY 160 Days ₹997 ...