Researchers have recently uncovered the genetic basis of camouflage in Corydalis hemidicentra, an alpine plant and its ...
"When a dragonfly hunts, it hovers perfectly still and positions itself between its prey and a shadow cast behind it by, say, ...
Unlike the chromatophores, the iridophores aren't pigment-based but are an example of structural color, similar to the crystals in the wings of a butterfly, except a squid's iridophores are ...
Bug Club does not simply observe insects but also takes action in the Athens neighborhood. Through visits to Old Man’s Cave ...
“That butterfly is unique because its wings are ... “They’re two different colors. The underside is camouflage and the upper wing is a bright blue iridescent color.” ...
Nature has gifted many animals with extraordinary camouflage abilities ... and ridges to match their host coral exactly. The owl butterfly has large, eye-like spots on its wings, resembling ...
The Ocean Census project has identified 866 new marine species, many from the deep seas, less than two years since its launch. The project announced its findings on March 10, marking the first phase ...
Presidio ecologists are literally transforming groves of non-native trees--originally planted as camouflage by the ... introduced the Variable Checkerspot butterfly in the secluded meadows at ...
Among the newly identified species is a pygmy pipehorse, a 4-centimeter (1.6-inch) master of camouflage found in ... including sea butterfly, mud dragon, bamboo coral, water bear and brittle ...
One of Nike, Inc.’s most ambitious sneaker projects may never be released, but a new set of high-resolution imagery gives the ...