The more than 90-minute address added up to an defiant sales pitch for the policies that he promised during his campaign and ...
In his speech, Donald Trump touted the achievements of his first 43 days in office, urged lawmakers to pass tax cuts and ...
A federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement action in Kingston on Tuesday resulted in the detention of a person living illegally in the U.S., while another city resident who holds a green card was ...
Learn your rights as an immigrant in the U.S. when stopped by police, ICE, or Border Patrol. Know how to protect yourself and ...
Major alterations to road tax are due to kick in next month that could affect Blue Badge holders nationwide. As of April 1, the standard rate of road tax for cars registered post-April 2017 will ...
“He actually spelled his name and gave me his badge number [and] gave me my case number,” Elliott said. Elliott said the name the scammer provided was “Maverick Myers.” CBP confirmed to ...
Delays and fee increases disproportionally affect “world music artists, jazz, indie bands who are developing,” says Covey, as ...
Lawful Permanent Residents of the United States (commonly known as ‘green card holders or LPR’s ... Due to recent reports of CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) inspections of inbound ...
Meanwhile Blue Badge holders who have registered an EV in the last eight years are being urged to check their exemption entitlement before forking out on the road tax being newly applied to ...