It was the imperial bitch fest heard round the world. Two of Babylon's finest Frankenstein monsters dueling it out on live tv ...
Demonstrators were shot down and remaining civil liberties suspended ... In Austria and Germany, anti-war strikes and mutinies erupted through December and January 1918. In Britain, the anti-war ...
Under popular pressure, the army mutinies and instead marches on the royal palace. The hated King, Crown Prince, and Prime Minister are lynched. The next day, US Marines land in Lebanon and British ...
Critics on social media expressed disbelief over the Trump administration's latest attack on diversity, equity and inclusion ...
For 250 years, the US Army has adapted as a living organization composed of operating units and institutional organizations ...
John Williams wasn’t a particularly tall man, standing at 5 feet, 6 inches, but he made a big impact after joining the Union ...
The Arlington National Cemetery has removed key information from its website about prominent Black, Hispanic, and female service members as well as historical topics like the Civil War. The moves are ...
As with today’s civil terrorists, too, their rage was fueled by opposition to what they saw as an unjust war—in their case, Vietnam. The group soon escalated to bombing government buildings and ...
It was issued in 1865 to members of the Union army during the US Civil War (National Archives) Another result was the First Geneva Convention in 1864, which was ratified by 57 states and was the ...
The Manitowoc County Historical Society is celebrating 100 years since the organization was gifted the Flag of Company A.