PEREIRA - Yoko, a 38-year-old chimpanzee, eats with cutlery, plays ball, watches TV, and even paints — but he's lonely. Rescued from illegal trafficking and "humanized" in the process, Colombia's last ...
Kidnapped from his family as an infant, then raised by a drug lord before ending up in a Colombian zoo, Yoko the chimpanzee ...
The populations of some of Africa’s most iconic wildlife have been bouncing back thanks to decades of conservation efforts. But activists are warning that climate change and human activity are ...
The investigation started when a janitor found the miniature schnauzer in a garbage bag in a bathroom stall at Orlando International Airport.
Colombia's 'Lord of the Fruit' fighting for native species Bent over his cellphone on the terrace of his Bogota apartment, Colombia's "Lord of the Fruit" describes the flavors, textures, and potential ...
Airport surveillance cameras captured the woman speaking for 15 minutes to a Latam Airlines agent with the dog in tow. Then ...
Authorities say a woman drowned her dog in a Florida airport bathroom and then boarded her international flight after she was ...