ICON, a pioneer in large-scale 3D printing, recently partnered with Michael Hsu Office of Architecture and Catellus to bring ...
Supporting PNG university students to return to their home districts and share their learning with citizens is the most effective way to ensure rural communities are armed with greater knowledge in ...
The 'Míle' Concepts x New Balance 1000 arrives this Friday. Via Concepts After releasing a pair of wine-inspired 740s in the last two months, Concepts and New Balance have reconnected on yet ...
The EPF4S program is aligned with both the Australian and PNG personal development and physical education curriculum ... Consent, setting personal boundaries and developing empathy were important ...
It is intended to be used as a software development tool and learning platform for assembly ... The C256 is loosely based around the concept of the world's most popular computer, the Commodore 64.
Over one thousand people including government and development partners gathered to witness the official opening of the SDP funded newly upgraded Morehead Health Centre in South Fly District, Western ...
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Rajiv Kumar, Managing Director and President, Microsoft India Development Centre (IDC) along with other dignitaries from the state government and Noida ...
“If I had a magic wand, it would be to change the mindset of the average PNG man so that they can see women as equal partners in development at all levels.” PNG journalist, Alice Thomas ...
Savan in the Savan-Downstreet Enterprise Zone. (Source file photo) On Tuesday, the Virgin Islands Economic Development Bank held its governing board meeting virtually on Zoom and voted to approve ...
The best way to ensure children’s healthy development is to acknowledge science, listen to children, and strive to truly leave no one behind” Orban’s government has long cited child safety ...