Cool Can creator James Vyse is trying to launch the product, which can cool down a drink in minutes at the press of a button.
Millions of people are addicted to watching Vegas Matt lose money. I went to Vegas to figure out why we can’t look away.
Michael Calore: Right. She's been in the news lately for a lot of reasons and we'll get into those later, as you mentioned. One of the most obvious is that she is Elon Musk's mother and Elon Musk has ...
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition launches exclusively on Nintendo Switch on March 20. For more Mashable game ...
Guitar World's Beatlemaniacs assemble for the deepest of deep dives into the recorded output of a pop-cultural icon and ...
Students and community members criticized the college's decision at the most recent board meeting, citing a loss of critical support resources.
Chicago police's Mounted Patrol Unit is not only indicative of a bygone era, and with horses named after fallen officers, ...
A t a private baccarat table near the back of the El Cortez Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on a chilly January afternoon, a ...
Hey there, welcome to our latest edition of The Wrapp. This is a chance for you to see what the various members of the Pocket Gamer team are planning to play over this weekend and will, hopefully, ...
"We should be able to handle everything for you, so that from start to finish, from beginning to plan it out till the time ...
Multiplayer mode has always been one of the main features of Call of Duty, but Modern Warfare 3, alas, could not withstand ...
Even the darkest places, such as a cemetery surrounded by eternal night, do not look oppressive, but rather mysterious and ...