Deep Blue Sea, 1999. Directed by Renny Harlin. Starring Thomas Jane, Saffron Burrows, Samuel L. Jackson, Stellan Skarsgård, LL Cool J, Michael Rapaport, and Aida Turturro. SYNOPSIS: A team of ...
"Starburst galaxies birth lots of hot blue stars that burn fast and die quickly in explosions that unleash intense ...
Netflix's top 10 movies list is as good a tool for cutting through the noise as any, but not every title is guaranteed to be a winner. Case in point, right now a pair of big-budget flops — "The ...
Realme is an offshoot of the Chinese brand Oppo, and aims to provide smartphones under Rs. 20,000 for the "young people around the world." It is led by former Oppo Global VP Sky Li and was launched in ...