Sunita "Suni" Williams had an unexpectedly long stay at the International Space Station after her capsule malfunctioned.
Sunita "Suni" Williams had an unexpectedly long stay at the International Space Station after her capsule malfunctioned.
This image features a deep field view of the Cassiopeia constellation immersed in the glow of ionized hydrogen gas, where the ...
Cosmologists are using cutting-edge computational tools to uncover the secrets of dark matter and dark energy, which together ...
New observations with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope in Chile reveal the earliest-ever "baby pictures" of our universe, ...
The new findings come from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which sits on a telescope at the Kitt Peak ...
New insights from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope offer unprecedented images of the universe at 380,000 years old, revealing ...
The newly released Euclid images hint at the large-scale organization of galaxies in what is known as the cosmic web, ...
Euclid has two instruments: its visible light camera, VIS, and its near-infrared light camera, NISP. NISP allows Euclid to ...
NEW YORK (AP) — A European space telescope launched to explore the dark universe has released a trove of new data on distant ...
New data further challenge the best scientific theory of the history and the structure of the universe. But a separate recent ...
Germany’s members of the Euclid Consortium have played a significant role in producing the mission’s first large set of survey data which the European Space Agency has just released. The data includes ...