The National Research Act, passed by Congress in 1974, directs all institutions receiving federal support for research and evaluation studies, including universities, public schools, hospitals and ...
Forty four percent of the respondents reported that their studies were not reviewed by a developing country IRB or Ministry of Health and one third of these studies were funded by the US. During the ...
Manuscripts submitted to JH undergo a thorough peer review process. The main purpose of the review ... Authors must include the following: name of Institutional Review Board or ethics committee or ...
In 2023, an academic journal, the Annals of Operations Research, retracted an entire special issue because the peer review ...
Structure, evaluation criteria and reporting are all key aspects of the audit follow-up process that can determine the effectiveness of IT auditors' recommendations.
The Communications Advisory Board recommends that every product created by UC ANR personnel be reviewed by other experts before being disseminated to the public. ANR-numbered publications go through a ...
The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit vacated and remanded a Patent Trial & Appeal Board patentability determination, finding that the ...
If value and benefit cannot be assumed, then the integrity of institutional review board (IRB) review and truthfulness in seeking informed consent are also threatened. IRB approval depends on ...
The world is ageing quickly. People older than 64 years already outnumber children younger than five, and this asymmetry will continue to widen. As life expectancy increases and fertility rates ...
The United Nations process for evaluating national human rights records is long and complex, but offers valuable material for ...
The EMBO Press journals use a fair and transparent process to rapidly publish important science.