There are quite a few languages in Dungeons & Dragons' base game - here's everything you need to know about them.
An online, virtual playspace has long been a high-level goal of Wizards leadership, and the Sigil platform was seen as the highest expression of that vision. The PC-based, graphically sophisticated ...
The next Dungeons & Dragons x Magic: The Gathering crossover book takes players to Lorwyn-Shadowmoor. Eberron already received a sourcebook in the D&D 5e era, with Eberron: Rising From The Last ...
Horned, hellish, and hella charismatic, the DnD Tiefling 5e species shares DNA with creatures from Dungeons and Dragons’ lower planes. While they share some common features (horns, tails, colorful ...
While other spellcasters study or bargain to gain powers, for the DnD Sorcerer 5e class, magic is something that you are. The Dungeons and Dragons Sorcerer can make for a highly adept, damage-dealing ...
World’s Largest RPGs has announced the release of the World’s Largest Dungeon: 20th Anniversary Platinum Edition, a fully updated version of the legendary mega-dungeon campaign for Dungeons & Dragons ...