The weightest sentence of three months was doled out to one of the central organizers behind the attack who offered up ...
The synagogue was burned during Kristallnacht, the series of pogroms in 1938 when Nazis destroyed synagogues and Jewish-owned stores across Germany. Its remains were later forcibly sold to the ...
Joe Rogan had Darryl Cooper on his show, giving him free rein to espouse his views, which he praised as “nuanced” and ...
Anselm Kiefer’s “Breaking of the Vessels,” weighing more than seven tons, is one of the artist’s many manic dissections of ...
What the hell has happened?” According to Jewish News, the young woman was arrested and charged with assault and theft (for ...
He claimed among other things that Hitler opposed the mass 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom and that ... were responsible for the murder of the Jews during the Holocaust. (The post was later deleted.) ...
But Kiefer was a boy during World War II ... and the shattered glass call to mind the Nazis’ book burning and then Kristallnacht, the wild rumpus of irrational violence that broke out in ...
Joe Rogan, who hosts one of the most popular podcasts in the country, invited a Holocaust revisionist to his studio just over ...
Rose Girone, who once credited her longevity to dark chocolate, survived the Nazi horror of Kristallnacht and her ... in more than 20,000 Jewish refugees during World War II.
The type of antisemitic outrages symbolized by Kristallnacht during the Third Reich are now regular occurrences from London to Berlin. This summer, thousands of Muslims marched through London ...