For example, the head, face, tongue ... The main cerebellar sign is ataxia, which can become visible as dysmetria of the limbs or eye movements, dysarthria, dysdiadochokinesia and unsteady broad-based ...
Loss of coordination (dysmetria): Difficulty with coordination of the amplitude and force of a movement, which causes overshooting or undershooting while attempting to grasp for something.
Whether adopting new technologies, pushing the limits of design, reimagining our work models, or exploring new business models, we must lead by example. Nowhere is this more critical than with ...
Considering that some of these paradigms—motor function, eye blink conditioning as examples—can be tested during early development or even during the neonatal period (Little et al., 1984; Fifer et al.
Bernard and Vijay A. Mittal The cognitive dysmetria framework posits that the deficits seen in schizophrenia are the result of cerebello-thalamo-cortical dysfunction.
This is a collection of example games built on Solana. The games are built using the Anchor framework. The games are meant to be used as a starting point for building your own games on Solana.