Forgive Matthew Failor if he wishes to never again mush along the Yukon River in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
Mansfield native Matthew Failor literally crossed paths in deep snow on Sunday with Iditarod leader Jesse Holmes.
Both of these deposits begin at surface, are potentially open pit minable and amenable to heap leaching, with initial bottle ...
Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush.” – Doug Larson Lately the March has not been seeing ...
Alta reported Friday it has received over 400 inches of snowfall this season, making it one of the few in North America to do ...
Is there anything more exciting than stepping onto a train? The moment when you have one foot on a platform and the other on the ledge in the train door is a huge thrill. When the journey that awaits ...
Clear Creek Property, RC Gold Project, NI 43-101 Technical Report, Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory Figure 1 - Plan map showing the multiple high ... strategically positioned mid-way between ...
It grew from a small library to a massive and wide-ranging educational institution before focusing on art.
The river keeps rolling northwest after it crosses the border into Alaska, running through remote communities like Eagle and Circle City ... before it flows into the Bering Sea. The 2009 race ...
The state is the second-most seismically active in the United States behind Alaska, with Southern California ... atop a geologic basin filled with river sediments, and there is growing concern ...
Swallow Falls State Park, just a short drive from Oakland, houses Maryland’s highest free-falling waterfall, the 53-foot Muddy Creek Falls – once a favorite spot of Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and ...
Swallow Falls State Park, a short drive from downtown Oakland, houses Maryland’s highest free-falling waterfall, the 53-foot Muddy Creek Falls. The park’s ancient hemlock forest creates a microclimate ...