An effective consumer complaint letter can boost your chances of getting a favorable outcome. While drafting a complaint letter, make sure it has the following elements: 1. Your Contact Details: Add ...
Since you have been writing about ID-proofing at Social Security, I wanted to share that I got a letter from the Hawaii tax department requiring me to verify my identity before I could receive my ...
The filmmakers, led by Cinema Eye Honors founder AJ Schnack, are incensed over the Academy leadership’s lackluster response ...
As 2023 draws to a close, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) remains a perennial hot-button topic that ...
We welcome guest essays that will bring a variety of perspectives and diverse voices — not an echo chamber of the same points of view — to the paper.
Readers respond to Adam Gopnik’s piece about Lillian Ross’s Profile of Ernest Hemingway and Burkhard Bilger’s article about high-school marching bands.
I wrote something with a pen and paper. why would I need to know how to structure anything when I can get chat-gpt to write ...
NEWS IN SHORT Rita Kakelo The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) is inviting young writers aged nine to 15 years old to showcase their talent on the global stage through the ...
I am writing to urge my fellow residents of Oakland to vote for Loren Taylor in the upcoming election. Loren has the professional experience, qualifications and, most crucially, familiarity with our ...
To the editor: It gives me a warm feeling every time I pass one of those double trailers of toxic waste on my way home, knowing that a few folks in Tetlin and a billionaire mining company in ...
It is a tragic day in America when a U.S. president betrays our country to favor an enemy, while his supporters close their eyes in loyal adoration. Like the German people in the Weimar Republic ...