And Volstagg stands as the strongest of the Warriors Three, though many see him only as a fat coward ... years of mischaracterization in the Thor comics. Some writers wrote Volstagg as a purely ...
He may look like the big red baddie downstairs, but Daredevil’s resurrection is a miracle of heavenly proportions. Returning to our screens seven years ...
They teased it yesterday. Now with ComicsPRO set to kick off and solicitations ready to drop, Marvel Comics confirms that they are to kill off Thor. Well, his series is currently called Immortal ...
Skurge is willing to die to keep Thor alive… and he may get his wish in the days to come. Immortal Thor #21 is on sale now where ever comics are sold.
Michael Straczynski, which explains away years of mischaracterization in the Thor comics. Some writers wrote Volstagg as a purely Falstaffian figure. Most, however, portrayed him as a gentle giant ...
Within the comic, that might mean a new version of Thor in the form of Magni Thorson, whom Ewing and Bazaldua recently brought back after a twenty-year absence. Or might just be that Thor gets ...
THE RETURN OF THE UTGARD-THOR! Toranos, Elder God of the storm, had returned – and his terrible lightning now struck at the Odinson's very heart. His presence in the skies meant the gate to ...
Fast food french fries used to taste better. That's not just me looking at the past through a grease-smeared lens of nostalgia; in 1992, a heart attack survivor named Phil Sokolof sold the ...
Though McDonald's was loath to credit Sokolof's campaign with the company's reformulations, it introduced the short-lived 91% fat-free McLean Deluxe (developed in partnership with Auburn ...
It compounded this by reducing certain guidance items. For Thor's second quarter of fiscal 2025, net sales saw an almost 9% year-over-year decline to slightly more than $2 billion. More ...
The creator’s return to comics promises to be significant, given his track record of commercial and critical success. Before his hiatus, Cates had established himself as one of the industry’s ...