The Fort Myers Beach Library is finally reopening its doors after Hurricane Ian left it in ruins over two and a half years ...
During the celebration town officials also collected data about possible modifications to the land development code and ...
Want to support local? Copacetic Sailing is family owned in Fort Myers Beach. It offers daytime, sunset and private tours.
Spring Break is in full swing at Fort Myers Beach, among the busiest weeks on the island as the nation's colleges and ...
They call it “pink gold” — juicy, delicious shrimp pulled from the Gulf and served on plates across Southwest Florida and the rest of the country, too.
Shrimp sales surged as thousands enjoy the 67th annual event -- and, of course, your Fort Myers Beach Community Correspondent ...
Stuck at 60% of FMB hotel rooms reopened since Hurricane Ian, it maybe 'a couple of years' before there's more. Plus, ...
Hurricane Ian sacked the town in 2022, but it’s fast becoming a destination again, led by a mayor from Spring Lake Park and ...
Fort Myers Beach Lions Club president Drew Yelle was wondering if there would be enough floats for the shrimp festival parade ...
The Fort Myers Beach Women’s Club is bringing the St. Patrick’s Day Parade back to Fort Myers Beach for the first time since ...