Four labourers were killed, and two others suffered injuries after a speeding Mercedes rammed into pedestrians in Dehradun. According to eyewitnesses, the car was travelling at an extremely high speed ...
Four people were killed, and two others were injured after a Mercedes hit them near Uttaranchal Hospital, Katyal on Wednesday night Police arrested the main accused in the Dehradun hit-and-run ...
Four people were killed and two were injured after being hit by a speeding luxurious car in Uttarakhand's Dehradun. The incident occurred on Wednesday night at around 8 pm near Sai Mandir located ...
Speeding Mercedes in Dehradun killed four pedestrians. The victims were laboUrers, and police are searching for the car's passengers.
Speeding Mercedes in Dehradun killed four pedestrians. The victims were labourers, and police are searching for the car's passengers. Four pedestrians were killed, and two others riding a two ...