Pope Francis acknowledged being fragile and "facing a period of trial" as he thanked well-wishers Sunday for prayers in a ...
The Pope is participating in the Vatican’s week-long spiritual retreat from a Rome hospital as he continues his recovery from double pneumonia and looks ahead to the 12th anniversary of his election ...
The worst long-term complication of measles is a form of delayed encephalitis called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis ...
Sanders has long been the most prominent proponent of adopting Canadian-style socialized health care in the United States.
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Clowns complete with red noses and tutus delivered the joy of Carnival to sick children in a Rio de Janeiro hospital on Tuesday, bringing the ebullient festivities normally ...
Street parties, known as blocos, are a fixture of Rio’s Carnival celebrations. They’re raucous, rambunctious romps with thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of partygoers. The vibrant ...