The Winneshiek County Sheriff’s Office has deleted a Facebook post on immigration detainers in response to an order from Iowa ...
At the behest of Commissioner Frank Fuda, the commissioners clerk was reading a letter from county Sheriff Paul Monroe asking Frenchko to apologize for allegations she made at an earlier meeting.
GEORGETOWN COUNTY, S.C. (WCSC) - Environmental advocacy groups, made up of residents, have sent Georgetown County a letter of their intent to sue, alleging the county is not following clean water ...
The Iowa Environmental Council, Sierra Club, and Environmental Law & Policy Center issued a letter of intent to sue, as mandated under the Clean Water Act, which gives the company 60 days to come ...
Before they can do so, however, they must provide a Notice of Intent (NOI) to sue. As we recently reported, we expect environmental non-governmental organizations (eNGOs)– better funded and ...
The Iowa Environmental Council, Sierra Club, and Environmental Law & Policy Center issued a letter of intent to sue, as mandated under the Clean Water Act, which gives the company 60 days to come ...
WASHINGTON— Several conservation groups sent notice today of their intent to sue the Trump administration for stripping away measures aimed at protecting the critically endangered Rice’s whale from ...
The Trump administration says it will take a second look at a logging project that could interfere with endangered species in ...
SPARTANBURG — The estate of a woman who died in the Spartanburg County Detention Center filed on Feb. 17 a notice of intent to sue the sheriff’s office in state court, accusing the department ...
Environmentalists: Water draining from beneath a lined landfill containing coal ash is nevertheless contaminated and threatens the Des Moines River ...