Oops, sorry, Jackie Robinson. For several hours Wednesday, you disappeared from history. You were instantly downgraded from ...
An article about baseball icon Jackie Robinson's military history was "mistakenly removed" from the Department of Defense ...
President Donald Trump announced last month that Jackie Robinson would be added to his planned National Garden of American ...
Before he broke baseball’s color barrier, Jackie Robinson served in the U.S. Army, but new federal policies have led to his ...
Jackie Robinson is an American hero. But he was not treated like one in a confounding move by the United States Department of ...
Robinson's military history was among those scrubbed as part President Donald Trump's efforts to purge references to ...
An article about Jackie Robinson's military service was removed from the Department of Defense’s website amid the Trump ...
The Pentagon has had an interesting 24 hours since the internet learned it could no longer access a Department of Defense website chronicling Jackie Robinson's ...
At least one website about Robinson, who trained as an officer and was assigned to a tank regiment during World War II, was ...
An article about baseball legend Jackie Robinson and Army soldier has been removed from the Department of Defense website ...
An article highlighting Jackie Robinson's military service was temporarily removed from the Department of Defense's website. It has now reportedly been restored and is accessible once more.
MLB fans are ripping on the Department of Defense after Jackie Robinson's military service story was removed from their ...