Nearby destinations include Lucknow, Allahabad, and Ayodhya. This Kanpur map will show all tourist attractions and help you navigate around to check out places in and around the city. How to Cycle ...
Kanpur is a big city located in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is easily accessible from all parts of India by road, rail and air. Kanpur has excellent road connectivity with other major cities ...
Know about Kanpur Airport in detail. Find out the location of Kanpur Airport on India map and also find out airports near to Kanpur. This airport locator is a very useful tool for travelers to know ...
Load Map What is the travel distance between Kanpur, India and Kathmandu, Nepal? How many miles is it from Kathmandu to Kanpur. 318 miles / 511.77 km is the flight distance between these two places.