PanARMENIAN.Net - In response to media inquiries, Arman Musinyan, a representative of Armenia’s first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s office, stated that there will be no reaction to the press ...
BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 4. The Western Azerbaijan Community condemns the biased statements of UN High Commissioner for Human ...
"The Western Azerbaijan Community (WACC) condemns the biased statements made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ...
The answer to all of these questions is that Armenia’s former leaders did not hand over Artsakh to Azerbaijan. Pashinyan was ...
The High Commissioner also did not condemn the recently racist speech of the first President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan, which reflected the goal of creating a mono-ethnic state by deporting ...
First Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan hosted Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopirkin at his villa on Tuesday. Arman Musinyan, the spokesperson for Ter-Petrosyan’s Armenian National ...
Former Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan and Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopyrkin met today at Ter-Petrosyan’s Yerevan house and discussed Armenian-Russian relations, the internal ...
The peace negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan paved the way for another unresolved matter between the two countries ...
Pres. Levon Ter Petrosyan, on his way back from Alma Ata in 1991, told Soviet Television that when the Declaration is ratified by the Supreme Council of Armenia, a reservation will be added ...