The SATURN NITRO is PIC32MK development board that closely follows the Arduino Nano form factor, but with much beefier specs ...
The 8-bit microcontroller remains a vital component in embedded design due to its power efficiency, adaptability, and ...
Pricing and Availability The PIC32A MCU family is available starting at less than $1 each in volume. For additional information and to purchase, contact a Microchip sales representative, authorized ...
Contains an application of CAN-Bus communication with a PIC microcontroller. The PIC microcontroller uses MCP2515 and MCP2551 integrated circuits for CAN-Bus communication.
The M8051EW offers a complete, high performance 8051 core and developmentkit, based around Mentor Graphics’s highly successful M8051W implementation of this popular 8-bit microcontroller. While the ...
Greetings, and welcome to Microchip's business update call ... added two more anchor products. The first is PIC 64. It is a 64-bit microcontroller with $5 billion of TAM with a 10% compounded ...
Although the analog and MCU chip industries are quite ... Furthermore, Microchip’s 8-bit MCUs are based on its proprietary PIC architecture, and although the MCU industry is fairly fragmented ...