Die Playoffs der Oberliga Nord finden diesmal ohne den Herner EV statt. Trotzdem ist der HEV noch nicht in der Pause.
Miners are optimistic that adjacent business lines — including leasing out high-performance hardware to AI models and selling specialized ASIC microchips — will more than offset any revenue ...
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) authorities have reportedly started releasing Chinese-made crypto miners after months of being held up at ports of entry across the United States. “ ...
Haftbefehl wegen vierfach versuchten Mordes Jetzt gab die Polizei bekannt: „Der Ermittlungsrichter des Amtsgerichts Bielefeld erließ gegen diesen Haftbefehl wegen vierfachen versuchten Mordes ...
The total hashrate of the U.S.-listed bitcoin (BTC) miners tracked by JPMorgan (JPM) has almost doubled from a year ago and now accounts for about 29% of the global network, the bank said in a ...
LIMA, Feb 17 (Reuters) - The leader of an indigenous community in Peru asked for the government to declare a state of emergency on Monday and accused illegal miners of using children as "human ...
If the host machine has at least eight CPU cores, it downloads and runs an XMRig miner. The XMRig miner used in StaryDobry is a modified version of the Monero miner that constructs its ...
Cryptocurrency miners – basically souped-up computers with advanced chips – compete with one another to solve mathematical puzzles, a process which helps build the blockchains underpinning the ...
Nach den Schüssen in der Nähe des Landgerichts Bielefeld sitzt der 40-jährige Tatverdächtige in Untersuchungshaft. Ein Richter habe den Haftbefehl wegen vierfachen versuchten Mordes in Vollzug ...
Forty years on from the miners' strikes, a mining community in the south Wales valleys gathered to re-enact its original march. Ex-miners from Maerdy, Rhondda Cynon Taf, brought original colliery ...
“When gold prices rise, miners are usually encouraged to increase output levels in order to optimize earnings,” COMP chair Michael Toledo tells the Inquirer in a Viber message. “Increased ...